2012 The Art League school of art- Alexandria, VA, USA
2003-2004 The school of art- the Corcoran Museum, Washington D.C, USA
1998- 2003 Givat Haviva School of Art, Israel
1995- 1998 The School of Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art , Israel
1994- 1995 Pottery Northwest, Seattle, WA, USA
1990-1994 The School of Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel
1974 -1977 Duke University, Durham, N.C. USA, M.Sc-Structural Engineering
1964 -1968 Technion, the Technical Institute of Israel, Haifa, Israel, B.S-Civil Engineering
2012 "Present your best" International ceramics exhibition in Maribor, Slovenia
2011 "China Kaolin Grand Prix of International Ceramic Art", Jingdezhen, China
2006 "Territory and Identity-Between Ceramics and Architecture"
The fourth ceramics biennale – Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel
2006 "Imprinted in matter" Um El Fahem art Gallery, Israel
2005 "Bamaagal" Yad Labanim- Raanana" Israel
2002 "Text Terra" Yad Labanim - Raanana, Israel